Posted: March 9, 2019 in brining, Food, pickling, seafood
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When I first told my friends that I grew up in a Lithuanian family, that we only spoke Lithuanian at the dinner table, that I went to Lithuanian Saturday school for 8 years, that I was a Lithuanian boy scout…they looked at me with a bit of disbelief. On the surface, I looked just like any other American-born kid that grew up in the suburbs. But the home life was vastly different.

Few things were stranger to my friends than the food we ate. While all my “American” friends had PB&J’s for lunch, I had a liverwurst sandwich on dark Lithuanian bread. While my friends struggled with broccoli, I was force-fed beets. And while my friends ate macaroni with jarred tomato sauce, my Mom served us macaroni with sour cream and butter. (Nobody called it pasta back then.)



Few things prove you are a true Lithuanian more than an appetite for herring. (Silke (sil-keh) in Lithuanian.) I loved it at an early age. Didn’t matter if it was in a cream sauce with onions, in a tomato casserole with chopped boletes, or perhaps my favorite: an appetizer my Mom prepared only twice a year when my Dad’s buddies came over to play rounds of bridge all night.

There are a few basic ingredients that make this appetizer work…

First and foremost, you need a bottle of good vodka in the freezer. Despite their lack of love for anything Russian, Lithuanians knew a good vodka when they saw one, and Stolichnaya has been the favorite for many years. Even now, with hundreds of vodkas to choose from, I still go to the red labeled Stoli bottle for this dish. I find a space in the freezer…jam that bottle in there…and let it get nice and cold.

Obviously, good quality herring is essential. Though I can get them fresh when I’m back home on Long Island, the usual choice is from a jar. For me, there’s no better quality than Acme products out of Brooklyn, NY. (If you saw the episode of “Bizarre Foods America” with Andrew Zimmern where he visited a salmon processing plant in Brooklyn, that was Acme Smoked Fish.) You can find them in many supermarkets. Blue Hill Bay herring in dill marinade (an Acme product) is wonderful and can be found at Whole Foods.

Next: hard-boiled eggs that have cooled in the fridge. Get out the old egg slicer that’s been sitting in the kitchen  drawer for the last decade and use it for this appetizer.

Red onion, sliced thin. How much you use is up to you. But it’s gotta be red and it’s gotta be raw.

And finally, Lithuanian bread. Yes, there is such a thing. It’s easy to find in most Polish or German food stores in the New York area. I buy a loaf when I’m home and then keep it in the freezer to enjoy throughout the year. Lithuanian bread is like the lovechild of rye bread and pumpernickel.


To make the appetizer, simply place a small piece of Lithuanian bread, about 1 1/2″ square, on a plate. Place a slice of hard-boiled egg on top of it. On top of that, some red onion. Then finally, a piece of herring.



Pop the whole thing in your mouth, and wash it down with a small amount of frozen vodka. No shots–this isn’t a frat house. Besides, you won’t make it to the end of dinner. Then again, you may not care at that point!

I never learned how to play bridge, but I’m sure my Dad would be proud that I remembered this treat.


  1. Adam Nevis says:

    I love herring any way it can be served one of my favorite foods! Terrific blog! Enjoyable reading!


  2. Matthew Milukas says:

    Al’s stories of the foods he grew up with resonate strongly with me – perhaps not surprisingly because he’s my cousin and my dad was his dad’s brother. I grew up in the same type of household, eating the same (delicious) foods – including at times at his family’s house. Among those foods were cold beet soup, potato pancakes, “koldunai” (Lithuanian raviolis), and of course, pickled herring. Perhaps some of these might seem to involve an acquired taste, but it’s one I’m glad I acquired.
    Now that I’m living in northern California, I too look for places to get some of these delicious treats. I’ve found some local Russian stores (to expand on his mention of German and Polish stores) that carry Lithuanian bread (yes, it freezes well), jars of soup, jams, and pickled vegetables, along with good Lithuanian beer. I’m nowhere near NYC these days, but I’m going to check my local Whole Foods to see if they carry Blue Hill Bay herring out here as well. Meanwhile, I have found a decent alternative for my supply of pickled herring in the food shop at IKEA.
    Al, please keep on coming up with these blasts from our collective past!


  3. Matthew Milukas says:

    Oh, and I fully support having that chilled bottle of vodka in the freezer!


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